Users & Team

For, Corporate & Team user management is primary asset to uphold daily operation.

User Management

  • ADD | EDIT user with email, password, mobile no
  • You can set access controls of system modules to particular user using permission management.
  • Anytime to can block and approve user for accesing your system.
  • Using given Email | Password your team member (user) can login into SAFRA system and perform varies operation as per your instructions.
  • For managing team you can create GROUP with varies permissions .

Team | Group

  • This feature make your team operations easy, quick and very handy.
  • While create and update group, You can set permission for respected system modules.So this group's user can only access that modules only.
  • This group can be assigned to particular user while creation and updation user
  • Once you assign particular group to user, it will automatically assign group's permission for different modules to user, after assigning group user will be able to access sytem modules of group's modules.
  • This group can be linked to form and task, So that group's users will directly access form and task.So you don't have to assign single single user for task and form.